How many times have we asked ourselves the same question: should I have a blog on my website? Definitely yes. The benefits of having a blog on a website are many. And above all, because we generate dynamic content on our website, something that Google takes into account for positioning.
To make it clearer, we are going to explain some of the benefits of having a blog, so keep this in mind when you are thinking about the web design of your business.
Benefits of having a blog
Benefits of having a blog
Help drive and increase traffic to your website through blogging.
Think about how many pages are on your website. Probably not many. And think about how often you update those pages. Probably not that often, for example, how often can you really update your About us? practically never.
Therefore, one of the benefits of having a blog is that it helps drive traffic to your website. So you gain in positioning.
Benefits of having a blog
Benefits of having a blog
Help your business to be known on social networks
Blogs also help you to be known through the media. social media. Every time you write a blog post, you are creating content that people can share on social media: Twitter, Facebook, etc. This helps expose your business to a new audience that may not yet know about you.
Benefits of having a blog
Benefits of having a blog
Helps convert your web traffic into potential customers
Now that you have traffic to your website through your blog, you have the opportunity to convert that traffic into leads.
Every blog post is a new opportunity to generate new leads. The way this works is really simple: just add an element that is named call to action that leads the user to each blog post.
We explain it in more detail: A user comes to your website. The user sees the call to action for an offer. Click on the call to action and accesses the landing page, which contains a form for you to fill in your information. The user fills in the form, submits information and receives the offer.
If you scroll down a blog post, you will see a call to action button. In fact, 99.9%, if not 100% of blog posts have call-to-action buttons. call to action. That's how you convert that blog traffic into leads.
Benefits of having a blog
Benefits of having a blog
Helps establish you as an authority in your sector (Vertical SEO)
The best business blogs answer common questions that your prospects and customers have. If you consistently create content that is useful to your target customer, it will help establish you as an authority in the eyes of users. Establishing yourself as an authority in your industry is quite powerful.
If potential customers find answers to their common questions through blog posts written by people in your company, they are much more likely to go into the sales process trusting what you have to say about why you helped them, even before they were interested in buying something from your business.
Therefore, write posts that answer questions about your products or services. You will generate confidence in users who will see you as an expert. This will increase your sales.
Benefits of having a blog
Benefits of having a blog
After seeing some of the many benefits of having a blog, we invite you to ask us how to develop them and to answer any questions you may have.